Diagnostic Options
Nearly 70 million Americans suffer from sleep problems. If you believe that you may have a sleep disorder or are aware of having one, know that visiting a sleep clinic could help you get the rest you need. Look to Comprehensive Sleep Medicine to put your sleeping problems to rest. When you visit our clinic, our board-certified sleep specialist will work to determine the nature of your problem and provide you with personalized treatment options. Consult our specialists for a definitive sleep disorder diagnosis in Dallas, TX.
Offering Multiple Diagnostic Options
When you make an appointment with us, one of our experienced medical providers will assess your sleep history. During our preliminary assessments, you may be asked to keep a sleep diary. Our medical providers will meet with you in person or by a telemedicine visit and determine what testing is medically necessary. Based on your unique symptoms, we may deem of the follow diagnostics necessary:
- Home Sleep Test (HST)
- CPAP Titration Study
- Polysomnogram Assessment
- Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)
- Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT)
Learn More About Our Specialized Sleep Studies
A polysomnogram or HST is an initial diagnostic sleep study. Our experts use a polysomnogram to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and other sleep disorders.
Our specialists may suggest a multiple sleep latency test to evaluate you for excessive sleepiness. During this examination, patients are must nap four to five times. Excessive sleepiness may or may not be indications of hypersomnias or narcolepsy. We may also suggest a wakefulness test. These assessments evaluate a patient’s overall level of tiredness. A wakefulness test is useful for pilots who must demonstrate alertness for extended periods of time or for CPAP patients to determine the effectiveness of their OSA treatment.
Whatever your sleeping problems, you can rest assured that you’ll receive innovative, personalized care that will help to improve the quality of your sleep. Pursue a proper sleep disorder diagnosis to determine how you should proceed.
If you are diagnosed with OSA, multiple treatment options may be recommended depending on your clinical history. These options may include CPAP therapy, Oral Appliance (MAS) Therapy, surgery, etc.
Contact our sleep clinic to learn more about our top-of-the-line diagnostic assessments.